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I'm trying him for the 9th time today. I reverted to swiftkey in 8 of the previous 8 attempts. let's see how it goes.



I tried the mentioned slang word prediction issue and yes, unfortunately there is. Although swiftkey does not have an option to block offensive words, there is no such problem. because swiftkey improves word prediction over time according to user experience. In this case, google word predictions are not user-specific, but generally based on Turkish search criteria, and this is a huge mistake. it should leave this job to the user like swiftkey and improve the word prediction data over time.



"gboard can collect any text you type, including personal data such as passwords and credit card numbers." If many people do not see this phrase, they will undoubtedly use it, but those who see it are afraid.



With the last update, the i key has been made the i key you know. The normal i key is also in place. So there are two of them. I'm writing for ios.



I had the opportunity to test swiftkey and gboard keyboards on my ios phone. but the difference from the original keyboard is that there is no dictation feature in swiftkey, it is also a long job to direct it to the application in gboard and then return to the typing area, and it is annoying that it does this every time.



keyboard with two shortcuts that work very well. 1. To move the cursor to a specific place while typing, you can slide your finger to the right or left on the spacebar to move the cursor where you want it. To completely delete a second word, simply swipe the delete key from right to left. but there is also a bad side to this keyboard: see sour dictionary. or has a hard time doing the hede thing. Sometimes it is impossible to write in that opened text box. Of course, I found a solution to this too.



For "gboard has stopped" error, you need to update your gboard from playstore, to reach gboard in playstore; You can fix the error by updating your gboard with actions such as google voice search, activating any spare keyboard on your phone, or sending a gboard message to your phone with copy and paste from another place as a last resort.

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