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german institute of archeology

The German Archaeological Institute (DAI) is an organization that provides scholarships to students. The most popular scholarship is the Travel Scholarship, which provides financial support for students to travel for research or educational purposes. The DAI is a reliable and desirable organization to work with, and they are committed to helping students achieve their goals.


german institute of archeology

Daini is a big institute that is supported by the government. It has branches in Istanbul, Rome, Athens, and Sam.


german institute of archeology

The British Institute of Archaeology is an organization that studies and researches the history of people and cultures from the past. They look at things like artifacts, buildings, and other evidence to learn about how people used to live.


german institute of archeology

A group of scientists started an institute in Rome in 1829. 75 years ago, they opened a branch in Istanbul which has 60,000 books and over 100,000 photographs in its archives. The current director is Professor Adolf Hoffman. Unfortunately, the Baghdad branch had to close due to the Iraq War.


german institute of archeology

The German Archeology Institute is supporting archaeological digs in Turkey at Aizanoi/Çavdarhisar (Kütahya), Hattusas/Bogazköy, Dydima, Kırklareli (from the Neolithic period), Latmos, Milet, Pergamon, and Priene.


german institute of archeology

Martin Bachmann spoke Turkish fluently, worked in Bergama for a long time, and then suddenly died of a "heart attack" two weeks after a failed coup attempt, even though he had no prior health issues.


german institute of archeology

For university students, the library is open from 9am to 1pm. If you are writing a Master's or Doctoral thesis, you can stay in the library after 1pm if you get permission. However, on Fridays, the library closes at 1pm for everyone, no matter if you are writing a thesis or not.

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