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harem soiree

it is a harem-woman-passion movie that has a different taste when watched again years later and brings us to the eye that the moon will eventually take its revenge on the sun. the missing elements in the movie are that the relationship between the other women in the harem and safiye is very foggy.


harem soiree

it's like a very slow moving movie. everyone seems to be acting from their seat. the excess of still scenes makes you feel like you are watching a french movie. the decor and costumes are magnificent. especially the bath scenes are extremely aesthetic. it's a must watch in terms of looking at harem life from this point of view, but of course, one should not try to learn history from movies.


harem soiree

ferzan Özpetek's film about the impossible love between an eunuch and a concubine, with a deeply affecting dialogue such as "what i feel for you is a language i don't know, it doesn't exist in your vocabulary".


harem soiree

'when the agony of giving up turns into a memory; you too will start a new life'


harem soiree

a movie suffocated in closed spaces... its plot is ambiguous, its plot is unstable... how pelin batu became famous with this movie, one is astonished.. it doesn't even have a proper scene, not even a line.. it's just one or two frames... the bath scenes are perfect, marie gillain's body in the lead is amazing... does it teach history, no! all fiction...


harem soiree

it is definitely a movie to watch with its plot and plot. the movie progresses so naively; there is no unnecessary action, disturbing music, exaggerated acting, just a movie that runs its course. if the bath scenes were in another movie, maybe it would be makeshift or uncomfortable, but it really suits this movie and really completes it.
