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hierarchical order of bytes

A byte is the smallest unit of data storage. A kilobyte is a thousand bytes, a megabyte is a million bytes, a gigabyte is a billion bytes, a terabyte is a trillion bytes, a petabyte is a quadrillion bytes, an exabyte is a quintillion bytes, and a zettabyte is a sextillion bytes. Personal computers have recently been able to store up to a terabyte of data.


hierarchical order of bytes

A byte is the smallest unit of data. 1024 bytes make up 1 kilobyte. 1024 kilobytes make up 1 megabyte. 1024 megabytes make up 1 gigabyte. 1024 gigabytes make up 1 terabyte. 1024 terabytes make up 1 petabyte. 1024 petabytes make up 1 exabyte. 1024 exabytes make up 1 zettabyte. 1024 zettabytes make up 1 yottabyte.

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