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kirkor divarci

Kirkor Divarc was a person who showed the importance of minorities in the country. He was someone who encouraged innovation, creativity, and ambitious ideas, which is something that is not usually encouraged in our culture. He was a true patriot and his work has had a lasting impact on the country. Unfortunately, he is no longer with us, but his legacy will live on.


kirkor divarci

He did a lot of good for the people of this land, but they didn't appreciate it. He is angry at those who destroyed their own homes and ruined the plans. He is telling them to go away and leave him alone.


kirkor divarci

One person from Nazi Germany, named Von Braun, was responsible for helping the United States become a leader in the space race. However, in our country, his documents were destroyed. This is a very foolish thing to do, and it shows that there is a lack of intelligence in our country.


kirkor divarci

He is a scientist who is not given enough credit for his work, and it would be great if people could recognize how hard he has been working.


kirkor divarci

Kirkor Divarci is a name associated with the founding of the space agency in the country. The military and Istanbul Technical University helped to create designs for missiles. You can find out more information about the country's space agency and its 50 year journey in space in this video.


kirkor divarci

Elon Musk would be a great speaker for a TED Talk. He is known for his innovative ideas and accomplishments, such as Lagari Hasan Celebi.


kirkor divarci

I learned about an entrepreneur from Mahfi Ebenmez's book, The Country in the Process of Change. The book talks about the Cold War and the space race between the USA and the Soviets. It also talks about how this race affected the country. Mahfi's book showed how our country has either succeeded or failed in protecting its values.


kirkor divarci

The man, Ginger Celebi, spent all of the money he had saved for his wedding on a missile. In a way, he invested the money in the air instead of using it to marry his fiancee. He invested the money in Yafes Celebi's tannery, which was mentioned in the book "Kitab-l Hiyal".

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