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la feta illa ali la seyfe illa zulfikar

very beautiful and epic. bloodcurdling. it really makes you want to shout when the first attack is made in the war. think of the environment behind aragorn, in front of the gates of mordor, running towards the enemy, heh right there shouting.


la feta illa ali la seyfe illa zulfikar

(see: zulfikar)


la feta illa ali la seyfe illa zulfikar

it is an inscription that can look extremely charismatic on a zülfikar made of matte steel.

(see: i saw this today)


la feta illa ali la seyfe illa zulfikar

"there is no young man like ali, there is no sword like zulfikar"


la feta illa ali la seyfe illa zulfikar

our alevis do not use this arabic phrase much. but this sentence comes up once in a while


la feta illa ali la seyfe illa zulfikar

it is the inscription engraved on many zülfikars sold in iran.
it can also be interpreted as a valiant like ali, not a sword like zülfikar.

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