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contrary to what is stated in the reviews, the active ingredient of which is sodium levothyroxine, it is a hormone, not a drug. what would you say is the difference? this substance is not taken for a cure, our body already produces this substance under normal conditions. this term is used to close the gap (or replace the missing).

i also use this hormone, then it may cause the problem of whether i am hormonal.



synthetic thyroid hormone, which is usually used for a few months, after being used in different doses, as a result of tsh tests and ultrasound scans, the number of doses to be taken and released as 100 tablets of 0.1 mg. they facilitated the division of the tablet, as there were many different doses. it is used in the morning on an empty stomach and often throughout life.

sometimes not found in pharmacies, there is a fuss. tefor or euthyrox can be used instead of levothyron, with doctor's advice.



it is a drug that i have been using since i was 1.5 years old and will use until i die.



a tefor-like drug containing artificial thyroid hormone that i have to drink for a lifetime without fail even for a day.



although it is used in the treatment of hypothyroid disease; recently, it has started to be recommended by doctors after it was determined that some of the active ingredients in euthyrox were stolen and the drug was not as effective as before. although there was a general opinion that the drug weakens me, it had the opposite effect on me, it made me have an incredible appetite, and made me eat banana rolls on top of 5 eclairs.
damn the hormone level in me!

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