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medium 56

It means that life can take unexpected turns, just like a football can suddenly change direction when it hits the wall.


medium 56

I really like this phrase and the ideas that come to mind when I think about it. I have used it a lot since I first heard it. "What should I do?


medium 56

I have been hearing this word a lot recently, and it sounds like it's made up of two words put together quickly.


medium 56

Last year, I heard from a long-term soldier in the military that it was used because of political issues in the year 56. It was the first time I had heard this.


medium 56

This phrase is used in Adana to describe a situation where someone is getting very angry and agitated. It is like saying "things are getting out of control" or "things are getting too chaotic". The phrase is "it's around 56" and it is used to describe a person who is getting very angry and out of control.


medium 56

My observations show that the area is messy and disorganized.


medium 56

My brother, we said let's watch a movie with your aunt the other day, but the internet connection was really slow, like a 56k modem.


medium 56

This phrase was used a lot by people in the military. It is also used a lot in the music of rap and hip-hop artists from the Middle East and North Africa.

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