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Ortadirek Saban is a Turkish restaurant. It serves traditional Turkish cuisine. The food is made with fresh ingredients and cooked in a traditional way. The restaurant has a cozy atmosphere and friendly staff. It is a great place to enjoy a delicious meal.


middle post

This phrase is referring to people who have a limited amount of money coming in, such as people who work, people who work for the government, people who have retired, people who own small businesses, and people who are farmers.


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He was often shown in cartoons with a sharp object going through his body.


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The idea of being in between rich and poor has been taken away and simplified to just two categories: rich and poor.


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A pole is put up in the middle of the house in the highlands to stop the roof from caving in due to the heavy snow piling up on it. The pole holds the weight of the roof so it doesn't collapse.


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I read the book in one week and my legs were sore for a week afterwards. It was a really great book.

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