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mona sax

In Max Payne, he is a character who was shot in the head at the end of the game. The bullet went through his skull and people thought he was dead, even the forensic autopsy experts. So, we have to assume that Max is dead.


mona sax

Max and the character in Max Payne 2 have a good relationship. They get along well and even had a nice conversation at the construction site.


mona sax

(see: dragunov)


mona sax

Gordon and I realized today that playing the saxophone is not as easy as it looks.


mona sax

When you really want something, it can be scary because you might not get it or you might lose it. This fear can make you feel weak.


mona sax

The character of the female in the Max Payne 2 game is portrayed in a positive way. She looks good and is treated with respect.


mona sax

The drawing I saw was the most attractive of the women. Sorry, I couldn't focus on anything else besides looking at your behind.


mona sax

In Max Payne 2, if you cheat and get a gun and throw a grenade at the bathroom while Mona is taking a shower, her naked body will appear. This was seen as wrong when the game was first released, especially by teenagers who had nothing better to do.

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