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muharrem nureddin cosan

Nureddin was given the name "Hodja" by the Islamic people out of sympathy. His name was written as Nurettin in newspapers, but he preferred to use his own name on his website. I found out about him when I was researching who the Hayrunnisa Hospital in Yenibosna was before. When I saw his name in the news about the congregations and the referendum in the newspaper Vatan, I remembered him again. After graduating from Ankara Imam Hatip, he studied Business Administration in New York and got his Master's degree. He is the head of the Iskenderpasa community and the server holder.


muharrem nureddin cosan

He asked his supporters to choose MHP when they vote.


muharrem nureddin cosan

Es'ad Cos'an's son is a teacher. I know that he is the one who has been given the responsibility of carrying on the Naksibendi tradition that has been passed down through generations.


muharrem nureddin cosan

After a long process of working towards our goals for freedom, some of our hopes have been disappointed, but we have made progress and achieved some successes. The current leader and their team have worked hard to make sure that the election on June 7, 2015 is fair and valid.


muharrem nureddin cosan

He sent an SMS to the AKP deputies telling them to vote "no" in the parliamentary vote on March 1, 2003.


muharrem nureddin cosan

This is a link to a video that can be watched online.

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