9 Entries
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pedal commander

A tool that works like a stress bracelet that reminds me of it. I think it would be a good idea to sell the tool and the bracelet together as a set.


pedal commander

Someone wrote rude comments to people who criticized the car in the promotional section of the car's mesut brother program. This made me not want to buy the car because the advertisements were exaggerated. They said that the car was like a monster just because they reduced the accelerator pedal response lag.


pedal commander

This is a device that changes how quickly the car accelerates when you press the gas pedal. It's like changing the speed of your computer mouse. Even if you press the gas pedal halfway, the car will respond as if you pressed it all the way down in sport mode.


pedal commander

I wrote about this topic once, and now I won't write about it again. This means that both products are the same.


pedal commander

The device in the video helps with the speed of your car. It can limit the speed when you give your car to a valet. It can also help if you have a weak engine, making the throttle response come earlier when you are going up hills. It can also help if you give someone with an unbalanced foot or a novice driver the car, making the throttle response come later.


pedal commander

The entry was removed because it contained a warning that could be damaging to our reputation. We want to make it clear that the product is not useless and it does work for any money.


pedal commander

The device is causing problems for the vehicle by messing up the air flow balance and turning on a warning light. This is making the situation worse instead of better.


pedal commander

When you press the gas pedal harder in some cars, you can smell raw gasoline, especially in turbocharged BMWs.


pedal commander

This device does not change how much fuel your vehicle uses or how it performs. It changes how quickly the vehicle responds when you press the accelerator pedal. It makes the vehicle respond faster or slower than normal.

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