after zeus gave his duty to every god and goddess, the last remaining penthos was grief, mourning, anguish and tears. it's his job to shed tears and mourn.
as soon as we cry, penthos comes to us and makes us cry more. so it is necessary not to reject pain but to accept it so that penthos stays away from us.
in greek mythology, the god of sorrow, penthos was at the end after zeus dissipated every god he had, he gave the happiness given to the positive, to cast a shadow, to the penthos the mourning and tears.
(see penthouse)
god of fate and suffering.
after zeus gave his duty to every god and goddess, the last remaining penthos was grief, mourning, anguish and tears. it's his job to shed tears and mourn.
as soon as we cry, penthos comes to us and makes us cry more. so it is necessary not to reject pain but to accept it so that penthos stays away from us.
in greek mythology, the god of sorrow, penthos was at the end after zeus dissipated every god he had, he gave the happiness given to the positive, to cast a shadow, to the penthos the mourning and tears.
(see: here is me)