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Fotoiz is a new website about photography. It is supported by Erdal Kınacı (the editor-in-chief), Aral, Kadir Erten, Oğuz Haksever, and Tayfun Talipoğlu, who are all very passionate about photography.


photo print

Sitemsi has administrators who made an agreement with Haber7. Some of the members were not happy with this agreement, so the administrators tried to make them feel better by doing something special for them.


photo print

This is a website for photography that you can access from anywhere. People who emailed me with all capital letters and lots of spelling errors every day and those who designed the website did not get the job done. There is always some kind of argument, disagreement, or hacking attempt happening every day.


photo print

We offer people the chance to see the amazing photos taken by famous photographers like Sefer Íren and Ece Aktansel. We make money by organizing photography tours and taking money from people who are not very experienced with photography and retired people. We keep track of our finances. The people who run the site are not very kind or understanding, even though it is not as bad as Fotokritik.com.


photo print

It seems like someone is attacking this website every day. It's like they are trying to hide a message in all of the photos on the site, and they are searching for something. It's an ongoing attack that never seems to end.


photo print

A website that does not know what a photographer is or what they do.

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