8 Entries
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rad hosting

I will end my server job tomorrow and I will get paid 2000 lira for it. I will go and give the money to the employer. There is no issue.


rad hosting

They posted a great job advertisement on Kariyer.net. They said that on the weekends, we will work hard without taking a lunch break, and they will provide transportation and food for us. Let them know how great their advertisement is.


rad hosting

This company says they provide a free and friendly workplace for their employees, but it seems like they only offer freedom in certain areas like dress. It's questionable if they really create a genuine atmosphere in the company, and the wages they offer are very low. People who are considering working here should think twice before making a decision.


rad hosting

It would be a bad idea to work for this company because they are new and don't have much experience. This means that it would be a mistake to work for them, or to do business with them.


rad hosting

When you tried to enter the datacenter with water in hand, the company was very rude and did not let you in. It seems like some of your friends don't understand what is being said, so let's explain it to them.


rad hosting

He posted a job ad that was very wrong and mean.


rad hosting

A hosting company was supposed to take a backup of r10.net once a week for two years, but they didn't realize the hard drive was full and it ended up being corrupted. This caused the database to be deleted and the forum to go back two years, affecting thousands of people. This isn't the first time this company has made a mistake, and this time they don't have an excuse.


rad hosting

The company is looking for someone to test their security for free. They want someone to try to attack them and find any weaknesses in their system. They are accepting the challenge.

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