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If you're having trouble sleeping, these songs can be your companion. Some of the songs include "2+2=5", "Let Down", "Idioteque", "Exit Music", "Knives Out", "The Tourist", "Go To Sleep", "There There", "Street Spirit", "No Surprises", "High and Dry", "My Iron Lung", "Mixed Police", "Fitter Happier", "Pyramid Song", "Bishop's Robes", "Talk Show Host", "True Love Waits", "Fake Plastic Tree", "Paranoid Android", "I Might Be Wrong", "A Wolf At The Door", "The National Anthem", "You and Whose Army", "Bulletproof I Wish I Was", "How To Disappear Completely", "Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong", and many more.



A music group with great music has been having trouble with someone who is overly controlling and strict about what kind of music they should be playing. Trying to listen to a band or song over and over means that if you like it, you keep listening to it, but if you don't, you move on to something else. If everyone followed this advice and started listening to jazz, it would become too popular and people would start to not like it as much.



Radiohead is a British rock band that makes music for people who are shy or have difficulty speaking up. This statement made me laugh for a moment, but then it made me sad because I'm a big fan of Radiohead.



Radiohead is the best band to listen to when you are shuffling through songs on a playlist.
