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raziel nisroc

The man I think of a few times a year is someone who really connects with the older rap music. I try not to listen to it too much because if I do, I won't have anything to look back on and listen to in the future. He was probably in his 30s when I first heard his music and it was amazing then and still is now.


raziel nisroc

We are all part of the same universe and connected to each other.


raziel nisroc

There is a rapper who is not well known but his music is very humble. I sometimes wonder if the past was really better than now or if we just miss it. I'm still waiting for him to put his EP album on Spotify so I don't have to listen to it on YouTube every time. It's getting tiring.


raziel nisroc

I think you are gone and I miss the time when I was a teenager. I had a good dream yesterday and I hope it brings you luck.


raziel nisroc

He is an exceptional and experienced rap artist from the country whose music is available on Spotify.


raziel nisroc

An old rapper released a song called "Mathilda" which was popular back in the day. You can watch the music video for it on the video site "watch?v=sxuo_cw35aq".


raziel nisroc

The rapper has been very successful for a long time and has a personality that is different from other rappers. He does not have any bad habits and likes to read and listen. He is involved in activities that help to improve culture. This is why his lyrics are different from other rappers.


raziel nisroc

Rails is a web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. It is designed to make it easier to create web applications. It provides a structure for organizing code, making it easier to develop, maintain, and deploy web applications.

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