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saadettin erbil

The person who first added sound to old movies made a big impact. He also said something complimentary about someone's neck and hair (referencing the actor Iztürk Serengil).


saadettin erbil

Without this man's voice, movies would be missing something important. What kind of sound is that? It's the voice of the person who makes movies. What kind of sounds does God create? We also have to listen to what the fans think.


saadettin erbil

An actor with a great speaking voice. In documentaries, you can easily tell it's him talking. He usually provided the voices for characters in movies.


saadettin erbil

80% of the pine trees are green. This person is an amazing artist and voice actor, so much so that he has helped people who wouldn't normally be accepted as actors to be accepted by this nation. He is more known for his voice acting than his acting. His son Mali should be multiplied by 5 on this issue and multiplied by 50 to get the degree of understanding.


saadettin erbil

People were saying that Mehmet Ali Erbil was not accepted as a family member by the person before they passed away.


saadettin erbil

Mehmet Ali Erbil was a theater actor and voice-over director who had a strong, dominant father figure in his life. He was able to break away from the feeling of being intimidated and crushed by his father, Saadettin Erbil, by taking control of his own life. If Saadettin Erbil was still alive, Mehmet Ali Erbil would not be as successful as he is today.

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