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sam claflin

The actor who plays the character Finnick Odair is so attractive that people would want to date him.


sam claflin

I saw an actor in the movie Catching Fire and I think they were the perfect choice to play the character Finnick Odair. I hope they can handle the more demanding scenes in the upcoming movies and that they will continue to do a great job.


sam claflin

He did a great job acting as Finnick Odair in the movie Catching Fire. It was one of the best movies.


sam claflin

I met a really nice guy in a movie I randomly watched late at night and I don't even know what it was about. He had a really amazing smile that I won't forget. He had dimples, auburn and white skin, and long legs. He was like a dream man. He also spoke English.


sam claflin

The person is very attractive and looks like they could be a character in a comic book. We would be disappointed if they changed their looks, like Henry Cavill did when he became Superman, in the future.


sam claflin

British actor with a strong, deep voice.


sam claflin

This person is so amazing that they can make any bad situation better just by smiling.


sam claflin

I wish there was a way to clone humans so I could make multiple copies of actor Sam Claflin and have them all make me laugh.

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