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science language

Latin mühendislik dili olarak kullanılıyor mu? Latin, bilimsel çalışmalar için kullanılan bir dil olarak kabul ediliyor mu?


science language

Science communication is the term used to describe the ways in which scientific information is shared, such as through speaking, writing, visuals, sound, and hands-on activities. It is how scientists share their knowledge and discoveries with the world.


science language

English is a very important language because it is used to access the best academic articles and professional books. Unfortunately, many people in our country don't know enough English to be able to use it to solve their problems, but they know enough to be able to explain their problems.


science language

This language is a combination of Latin and Greek, and it is still used in English today, even though there are Turkish words that mean the same thing. For example, instead of writing "phosphoenolpyruvate", some people write "phosphenol pyruvate". This language replaces the letter "f" with "ph" and adds an "e" at the end.


science language

(see foreign language education)
