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When it rains heavily, people living in cities can see lightning and hear thunder. They count the seconds between the lightning and the thunder to measure how far away it is. They look out their windows and think that if lightning strikes the city, it will probably hit a tall building like a minaret or a skyscraper, not their own house. It's a strange feeling of relief, but it's something that many people experience.



Exaggeration is when someone makes something sound bigger, better, or more important than it really is.



This article is a review of Tahsin Yücel's dystopian novel. It talks about the themes of the book, the characters, and the overall story. It also discusses the author's writing style and how it contributes to the novel's success. The article concludes by giving the book a positive review and recommending it to readers.



If all the people in the world suddenly disappeared one day, the world would look very strange. There would be huge structures left behind, like giant statues.



This book looks at the idea of privatizing the law, which is not strongly supported by the law or philosophy, but it could open up new possibilities. People may not like the idea because it looks at the worst aspects of libertarian thought, but I think it is still valuable and could lead to a discussion about the topic. If you look at it from a different perspective than what is expected, you may find different results and be more open to libertarian ideas.



Tahsin Yücel is releasing another book, and it is expected to be a great one.



Tahsin Yücel is a master novelist, but this novel he wrote was not successful. It starts with a good idea, like privatizing the courts, but the story is boring and there are too many unnecessary conversations. It's a type of novel that is not seen very often, called a utopia novel.

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