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stash burger

At Zorlu, the hot dog was really good without bacon. Their hamburgers are also really good. The only downside is that it's really noisy and busy. Other than that, it's a great place.


stash burger

If you want to get the most bang for your buck, you can get two meals for 29 liras at one of the chain restaurants. But if you're looking for something really delicious, don't settle for anything less than the best. There's a small restaurant with amazing food like hamburgers, tacos, hot dogs, and San Sebastian cheesecake. Plus, they have the best ayran in the country from Balıkesir. Go and try it all and make sure to finish with the cheesecake - you'll love all the flavors!


stash burger

I have never been to this place before, but I really don't like how they treat their customers. They are very strict and their food is not very good. They didn't fire me, but they did what they had to do. I wish that four customers like me didn't have to go through this experience.


stash burger

If the cat tasted something that he didn't like, he would regret ever trying it.


stash burger

Turfy mayoneeeez is a slang term for a type of sandwich made with mayonnaise and lettuce.


stash burger

I went to a burger place called Kanyon today and it was really bad. The bread was dry, the hamburger was bland, the meat tasted weird, and the bacon was dry. It was really bad and I didn't enjoy it at all. But when I went to the Harbiye branch, it was much better. The burgers were small but they tasted really good. I would suggest that the Kanyon branch should improve their food quality.


stash burger

You did not see my brother.


stash burger

The best burger in Istanbul is so good that it deserves the title of the best burger in the city.

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