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These guys have taken something chaotic and made it into a song. They have created three different rhythms that sound like they are separate, but they are actually all connected. The song has a unique quality of breaking apart and then coming back together. It's like a wild ride of sound that covers you like a blanket.



The Mars Volta has a very long song that is sixteen minutes and forty-four seconds long. It changes from happy to sad and back again. If every big band has a song like "Bohemian Rhapsody", then The Mars Volta's song could be considered the same.



The Kabbalistic tradition has a special name for God that is so powerful and mysterious that it cannot be expressed in words. This name is made up of four letters: YHWE (Yehwa, Yehva). Kabbalists try to understand how to express this name and what it means. It is believed to contain God's ninth attribute, immortality, and all the knowledge of the universe, both past, present, and future. The Hebrews have a special symbol, called a perfect rhombus labyrinth, which is made up of two equilateral triangles that overlap. This symbol has been interpreted by the famous writer, Jorge Luis Borges.



In Kabbalah, a form of Jewish mysticism, there is a special name for God that consists of four letters. People believe that whoever can figure out the right combination of these letters will have the power to create things, like golems. For centuries, Kabbalists have tried to find the right combination through meditation, but so far, no one has been able to do it. It's very difficult.



Equilibrium is a state of balance. It means that two opposing forces are equal and in balance with each other.



The Greek word is a four-letter word that means the name of God in Hebrew.



According to an old tradition, the name of God is not said out loud. It is said that wise people only reveal the correct way to say the name once every 7 years. It is believed that a teacher can only teach the correct way to say the name if they are partially underwater. This is similar to the scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, where Harry can only hear the golden egg when he is in the water.



Christians usually say the word "Yehovah" when talking about God, but Jews don't use this word at all and instead say "Adonai". It is said that God created the world by saying a special word, called the Tetragrammaton, and it is thought to be the most powerful word of magic. People believe that if anyone says this word correctly, the world will end.

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