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tetsuya isshida

Tetsuya Ishida committed suicide by throwing himself under a train in 2005. It is said that the reason for the suicide of the artist, who uses his own face from his paintings, is hidden in his works.


tetsuya isshida

Although I did not understand art and painting, I was amazed by his paintings and in my opinion (I don't know what art circles think) he was a very successful painter. It is a separate irony that we are aware of him thanks to his suicide


tetsuya isshida

Japanese painter, famous for his portraits that criticize Japanese society in a dark language. He died in an accident in 2005. For some of his works: http://www.toxel.com/…-paintings-by-tetsuya-ishida/


tetsuya isshida

the painter whose work brings to mind el empleo. It hurts when you look at the way you paint your own face. In general, we make instant statements against everything that we criticize, say, and want to escape from in the world we have to be in, but he seems to have experienced the same pain over and over in each painting. however, there is a whole canvas time to give up. I'd like to say that a man suffering like this has endured well again.


tetsuya isshida

The painter who has a list about himself and his paintings. They usually say it's worth it when it's dead, but... two words about what I just wrote, hang me too.


tetsuya isshida

One person I know today is himself. but his pictures, which can also be called photographs, are like shouting from the middle of the troubles we are all in more or less. I am sad. I'm amazed.


tetsuya isshida

I don't understand the art of painting anyway. As we look up, it becomes clear that the art we don't understand the most as a society is painting. oh, we have a bob ross admiration, that's different. However, there is probably no one who looks at the paintings of this artist and does not find something strange in them. I look back. I'll even set one up and hang it in my living room.

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