8 Entries
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the fundamentals of caring

A writer cares deeply for his lost son and home, and his patient with no chance of survival, as well as the hitchhikers who have no chance to hold on to life. This is the premise of a road movie that, unfortunately, does not live up to its rating of 7.4. The performances of the girl's mother and caregiver are impressive, but the child actor's performance is not as impressive, which contributes to the slower pace of the movie. The cow visit scene was mature and quiet, providing a fitting compliment to the cow.


the fundamentals of caring

Is there such a thing as Craig Roberts' sarcasm? We know this habit of his from the movie Submarine. It's great that the movie doesn't attempt to convey any messages, except for one: Ben Benjamin's line, "You can't fix me." Definitely.


the fundamentals of caring

The movie concludes with an unexpected twist, as a joke in the style of Trevor is made to the audience in the final scene.


the fundamentals of caring

In this movie, Phoebe's microphone is present.


the fundamentals of caring

Although it was not as hot as its peers, I still loved it.


the fundamentals of caring

This is a heart-warming road movie that showcases an incredibly intimate relationship between Trevor (the patient) and me (the caregiver). You can be sure that watching this movie, which lasts 1.5 hours without becoming boring, is one of the best ways to spend your day. I would have given the movie 9 points if it had not included Selena Gomez; as it stands, I give it 8 out of 10.


the fundamentals of caring

Craig Roberts' acting in the Netflix movie "A Hot Journey and Self-Finding" stands out from the streaming service's standard template movies. His portrayal of a character with a callousness despite their illness is not caricatured, and viewers can really share in the feelings of the character. Despite the movie being full of journey story clichés, it offers a warm and successful narrative. Additionally, why doesn't Paul Rudd age?


the fundamentals of caring

This movie is a beautiful drama that is full of humorous moments, yet still manages to stay true to its subject. It is worth watching just for Selena Gomez alone.

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