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to be short

Going to the tailor to buy a pair of trousers is not working out. You pay a lot of money for the trousers, but then you can only wear half of them because the other half is still at the tailor. Even if you try to make the cut piece work, it still causes problems in society. You didn't know what to do.


to be short

Climbing stairs in the dark can be difficult, especially for someone who is short. I have to jump up and down to get the attention of the light sensors in the apartment building so that the lights will turn on.


to be short

In this situation, when you make changes to something that you can see, you need to refresh the link in order for the changes to take effect.


to be short

Standing four steps up on an escalator and being the same height as your partner.


to be short

This is a situation where your friends might tell you something that is not very nice, like "everyone is taller than you," when you say "taller than me" while talking about someone else.


to be short

Being short can be divided into two categories: not really short but still complex, like being 163cm and feeling like you're too short when compared to girls who are 170cm and above; and being really short, like being 150cm. It can be difficult to grapple with life when you feel like you're small in the world. It can be tiring to put in extra effort to make up for it. A friend's comment on the subject was that it gets tiring to put in more effort when you feel small in the world.


to be short

I am starting over and it is unfortunate that I am short. I have punished myself for being short by doing something painful. I hope you are relieved that I am not envious of tall people.


to be short

Girls have an advantage over men because they don't have to worry about being judged for their height. Men often make jokes about short girls, but tall girls don't get the same treatment. Unfortunately, when a short man and a tall girl are together, it can create a bad impression. This can be heartbreaking for the people involved.

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