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toaster erol

Brother Rice is a real person who was in the news recently. He is being compared to a toaster because he is a hard worker who always gets the job done.


toaster erol

He is a person who agrees with the ideas of ISIS and runs a website that shares lectures from Abu Hanzala. He has saved these lectures in his bookmarks.


toaster erol

This phrase makes me feel happy and takes my mind away from my worries.


toaster erol

This man is like a summary of the country, with different types of people. There are stupid PR agencies, tradesmen who take advantage of people's interest and charge too much for simple things like toast, white-collar men who wear expensive coats and are willing to pay a lot for toast, video siters with a lot of followers but not much intelligence, and a popular video siter who has 21 followers and is willing to write about something as silly as "the real face of 's fly toast".


toaster erol

If you are going to Antep, it is better to go to Imam Çagdas or Koşak instead of the toaster. There is a toaster in Burdur that can make up to 1,200-1,300 toasts a day. This means that almost every city has a place like this. The only difference is that the praise teams discovered this place.


toaster erol

The man is doing well for himself by using social media to make money. The problem is that some people are going to a fancy city like Gaziantep just to eat toast.


toaster erol

If Erol wants, he can make a sandwich with Roquefort cheese, strawberry whipped cream, and dipped in a golden sauce. However, the people of Antep would not be satisfied with just toast. Toast is not enough for them. I couldn't help but feel bad for the person from Istanbul who came to Antep expecting to eat only toast. I wanted them to try the local food and I was disappointed when they didn't.

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