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until the earth becomes the face of love

I saw something that made me happy when I was feeling down. It was like a reminder that I can find joy in faith and strength in a fight. Whenever I'm feeling unhappy, I should remember this and it will make me smile.


until the earth becomes the face of love

It's sad that we can only hope that the next generation will be more aware of the bad things that religious leaders have done in the past and will not tolerate them. We can only hope that they will keep out people who are dishonest, immoral, and vulgar.


until the earth becomes the face of love

I don't believe in religion or anything like that, but I do believe in this song. It's more than just love. Even though I tell myself that there's no need for romantic gestures, or songs about revolution, or anyone else, I only believe in one thing about life, beauty, hope, love, and even faith. That one thing is this song. Come to the flowers in the meadow.


until the earth becomes the face of love

In the song "Ne Me Quitter Pas" it is said that love is the most important thing and should be the guiding principle in life. However, I'm warning you to be careful because it may not always be as it seems.


until the earth becomes the face of love

A documentary to watch about the Earth and a poem that comes to mind about it.


until the earth becomes the face of love

This is a song about the anniversary of the Gezi Park events. It talks about how people have tried to stop the fight for freedom, but it is still going on. It encourages us to keep fighting until the world is filled with love.

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