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yakup shoghi subasi

Mustafa Kemal Pasha, Ismet Pasha, and Fevzi Pasha were all trained by a master of war at the beginning of the 20th century. These three people were so impressed by their teacher that they referred to him as "my teacher". This is why they were so successful in the War of Independence, as they had been taught by a master of the art of war.


yakup shoghi subasi

Pasha is someone that Mustafa Kemal Pasha respects and looks up to. Mustafa Kemal Pasha calls him "my teacher" in the series of salvation.


yakup shoghi subasi

He is still seen as a leader to the officers today. In the movie Kurtulus, there is a scene where he gets into an argument with the whole army headquarters and eventually gives in and says "I will do whatever you say".


yakup shoghi subasi

He was devoted to the cause of winning the war of independence, even though it seemed like an impossible task. He was brave and never backed down, even when faced with a stronger opponent. We remember him and honor him for his courage. May he rest in peace.


yakup shoghi subasi

May God bring peace to the soul. The website address has been updated.


yakup shoghi subasi

The second highest ranking military officer in charge of a large-scale military operation.


yakup shoghi subasi

Before the war of independence began, the Pasha was planning to start a national struggle with the 9th Army, which he was in charge of, and the 6th Army Commander Ali Ihsan Pasha, who was in Mosul at the time. However, Ali Ihsan Pasha decided not to go through with it, saying "the nation is not ready for this". It makes me wonder what would have happened if he had started the national struggle.

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