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yoga with yogi

yoga is indeed best therapy for depression too, howvever i find it little less masculine to do yoga, its more like a girls exercise to me


yoga with yogi

i had my lessons with diana last year. she is brilliant


yoga with yogi

@mustafahmet it depends where you are going for yoga, there are some amazing yoga places in turkey and they have alot of men too


yoga with yogi

i've heard about doga , a type of yoga by which people establish harmony with their dogs. the pets are either used as props for their owners, or they can do light stretching exercises themselves. can someone suggest a places that offers doga in turkey. i am a foreigner who recently moved to istanbul so am not much aware of the right places


yoga with yogi

diana blue is a yoga trainer in istanbul, her workshops are very interesting.


yoga with yogi

there are some great yoga places in india too but super expensive. in thrid world countries a good lifestyle is not affordable to all. i wonder what is the situation like in countries like turkey?


yoga with yogi

i have been suffering from arthritis and my doctor suggested me yoga, yoga helped me most and did wonders to my muscle pain that any medicines could'nt do.

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