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cecilia bartoli

She started her career as an opera singer at 19 when she played the role of Rosina in the 'Barber of Seville'. People usually expect her to sing 'Carmen' because of her voice and her body type. She doesn't eat chocolate before a performance, which is normal for an opera singer. It is common for opera singers to be traditional and to get mental health treatment.


cecilia bartoli

Although she sings in a high pitch, she is one of the few sopranos who has a unique and powerful voice. Her singing takes people away.


cecilia bartoli

The mezzo soprano sang amazingly and captivated the audience. After trying four times, he found a solution to kidnap the maestro. He was very friendly and never said no to any request from his fans, whether it was for a photo or an autograph. His performance of "Lascia la Spina" was especially memorable and it will stay in people's minds. After the show, he invited his fans backstage and made them smile.


cecilia bartoli

On the night of 21.07.06 in Hagia Irini, he was an amazing performer. He had the ability to make the audience and orchestra go wild like a rock star, make people wonder if he was really human, and even make some people cry. People have a lot of opinions about his technique and sound quality, but if you're looking for someone who can keep the audience engaged and take them on a journey through the music, no matter how good or bad it is, he is one of the best.


cecilia bartoli

Knodel is a mezzo-soprano singer who has a powerful voice that makes people's throats tighten up when they listen to him. Unfortunately, his health has gotten worse and he has gained a lot of weight. His low notes are very harsh because he makes them by pressing his lips together and squeezing his throat. Despite this, he is still successful in his field because he is using a very difficult singing technique.


cecilia bartoli

He has a mental illness called schizophrenia and he hears music in his head and sings it out loud. Even if you don't like watching the video, you should watch the end because it shows how proud he is of himself.


cecilia bartoli

The singer at the concert in Hagia Irini on the night of July 20th, 2006 was so amazing that they took the audience away. They performed with the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra and their performance was so powerful that it made a lasting impression on everyone in attendance.


cecilia bartoli

Yesterday (June 6th), a mezzo-soprano who was born in Rome in 1962 celebrated her birthday. It was amazing to hear her sing arias, as it sounded like the same sound you can make when you run your finger around the rim of a half-filled crystal glass.

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